Yearbooks are opening as the school year is closing. Over the course of the school year, the yearbook staff has worked on spreads and features, made specifically for the student body to enjoy reading and looking at to remember the year.
Editors worked together on coming to a decision regarding the theme of this year’s yearbook and came to the conclusion of “Deconstruct” because of the construction taking place all around the school campus. The theme also incorporates parentheses and an additional theme of Blackboard, this being the first year of using the website.
”There’s more pop culture incorporated, so it’s not just academics,” sophomore Olivia Nash said.
Nash received an award for Excellent Personality Profile from Ball State University. Tiger Tracks as a whole has already had numerous achievements preceding the release of the yearbook. They have received a total of 14 awards for this year.
Heavy snow storms and school cancellations made it a challenge for the staff to keep up with deadlines, so work had to be done much faster according to Nash.

“We joke around a lot, so class is more fun. It helps us get out deadlines done on time because we’re encouraging each other all the time,” Nash said.
Members of yearbook staff receive their yearbooks on May 14. Juniors and seniors can expect to get their yearbooks on May 15, and underclassmen on May 16 during lunches.
”We saw it and it looks great and we’re proud,” Nash said.