Emily Baumgartner- Some people believe if you want to change the world, the first step can simply be a prayer. On Wednesday, September 24, Christian students from all over the country gathered around their schools’ flagpoles before school for the national day of prayer. This event is known as “See You at the Pole,” and it is organized by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, (FCA), Campus Life, and Cru.
Anyone is welcome to join in and pray. The purpose of the event is to spread healing throughout the nation, and there were no limit to the number of prayers.
“We pray for anything from the teachers and students having a great day at school, to the poverty around the world,” sophomore Lizzy Pfeifer said.
Not only do students interact through prayer, but there is also a band playing worship songs for students to sing. Over 50 students were gathered around the flagpole, and many outside people took note of it. As others walked into school, they were invited into the circle and joined in with the group.
“It was a very cool thing to see many different personalities come together early in the morning to interact with students. You definitely felt God’s presence when you were there, and it was a great way to start the day. Praying is such a simple way to talk to God, and this event really moved me,” Pfeifer said.
Students interested in an organization like this can join the Christian clubs offered at any time of the year. Cru meets on Monday nights at FHS at 7:17. FCA meets Tuesday mornings at FHS at 7:00, and Campus Life meets Tuesday evenings at 11488 Oak Dr. at 7:25.