All the way from Mecklenburg, Germany,”America is very cool,”sophomore German exchange student Chris Schlee said
While in the United States, Schlee will be staying with sophomore Alex Struder, and learning about American culture for the next 3 weeks.
“Well, in Germany our school only has three hallways and there are only 300 students grades 7-12,” Schlee said.
Schlee says that he likes American school better and that there is a wider variety of subjects and extracurriculars to choose from.
Struder tells he’s done more in week than he’s done in a whole month. “Having an exchange student live with me is great,” Struder said
Some of the things that Struder has done to introduce Schlee to America is take him paintballing and have him experience American fast food. “Everything either has way more sugar in it or is fried and its very different from German fast food,” said Schlee.
“I love having an exchange student because of all the cool stories that come with them,” Struder said. Schlee says he is looking forward to the next few weeks in America and taking in the culture.