“We did our project over carcinogens and what they are and how to prevent them,” freshman Sarah White said. She and freshman Sydney Myers presented their project in the auxiliary gym. Photo by Lia Benvenutti.
“I want people who come here to understand the importance of the different types of cancer, what’s treatable and what causes it because cancer is a very serious disease and a lot of people don’t even know what it is,” freshman Vanessa Lisanti said. Lisanti and freshman Thomas Steigerwald present their project on vaccines. Photo by Lia Benvenutti.
Students perform inspiring songs to provide aural entertainment during the gala. Sam Durnell sings and plays her guitar. Photo by Lia Benvenutti.
Junior Neha Manoharan displays her sculpture depicting cancer cells alongside others at the cancer gala. Photo by Lia Benvenutti.
Juniors Sarah Dunlap, Anne McCarthy, and Madeline Jones create a display of shared knowledge about cancer. Photo by Lia Benvenutti.