One’s emotions can be expressed in a variety of different ways including music, painting, sports and poetry. The spinning of words together to create imagery and connections within the mind has become popular among some students.
“It’s nice to not only get thoughts and feelings out on paper but also ideas, and to read the final product and see something amazing that you’ve created is a really empowering and good feeling,” junior Taylor Treeger said.
Poetry club has existed for four years and is competing in the Mudsock Poetry Slam along with Hamilton Southeastern High School. The competition is judged by a combination of students and teachers from both schools. Names are drawn out of a hat to determine performing order.
Tryouts for the FHS students were held on Thursday, April 13 in the LMC.
“I felt a little nervous going into the audition because in the past years I’d always had my poem memorized by that point and this time I didn’t,” Treeger said. “Memorization isn’t required but it helps to achieve a better performance if it is.”
FHS has been the winner of the slam for the past two years, and has taken home the trophy, which is a traveling sock monkey. The atmosphere of the tryouts and competitions are all meant to create a calming, relaxed environment to allow creativity.
“Writing is something I will always be able to do,” Treeger said. “Having experiences performing my writing for others has also given me confidence in the sense that I am a good writer, or at least I can be, and it’s nice to know that I’m good at something every once in a while.”
This year’s Mudsock Poetry Slam will be held on Wednesday, April 19 in the Black Box theater at FHS from 7-9 pm. Admission is free.