“I have suffered from stuttering for a very long and it never really bothered me and I started to notice people gave me awkward looks,” sophomore club creator Kaila Claxton said. ”I never minded it but then I thought of all the other people who were going through the same thing may mind it and I wanted to help them.”
Stuttering Awareness Club was started in 2016. To help people to understand what stuttering awareness really was and to do that the club helps by raising awareness at school.
The club plans to hold an annual booth in the cafeteria to hand out bracelets and pamphlets, and answer any questions about stuttering or the club itself. This year, they are holding the booth the week of May 8 in the CCA.
There are eight members and they welcome anyone who would like to join. They meet four times a year before the week to prepare for stuttering awareness week were they set the booth up in the CCA.
“I think this club is a good way to reach out and help people to be able to accept each other for what we have because we are all the same.” Claxton said.