Week-long fall break opens door for bigger plans
Other Fall Happenings
Sunlight gleams off Rue de Rivoli in Paris, France this summer during the school trip accompanied by Jon Colby, one of the stops sophomore Maggie Schmitt will take on her trip to Paris.
Bustling students talked about their excitement for the week-long fall break in the halls, whether their plans entail staying home or traveling. Fall vacations range from trips to the couch to sightseeing in Europe.
“I’m mostly looking forward to sleeping, more napping and more quality TV time with my family and beloved cat,” sophomore Lucy Hale said.
Hale is one of many staying home from Oct. 12-22. As a member of the color guard, she has practices on Oct. 18 and 19, and a band competition on Oct 20.
Her family usually goes camping over fall break, but with limited days, they did not feel they had time to truly get the most out of a vacation. Instead, Hale is making the most out of her time at home. Some of her plans entail having a Halloween movie marathon, baking fall treats like pies, cakes and bat cookies, while catching up on sleep.
On the contrary, some students have plans to travel abroad this fall break, whether it be locally, nationally or internationally.
Sophomore Maggie Schmitt plans to travel to Paris over fall break. She and her family may also take quick stops in Versailles and London.
“I have always dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower because once an hour for five minutes it sparkles once it gets dark,” Schmitt said.
Getting ready for the trip took weeks and consisted of reading articles and books with her mom for both ideas of what to do and information about the country’s history.
“Usually it [fall break] is over the 23rd and that’s my birthday, so I’ve gone to Denver, New York City and Chicago,” Schmitt said.
The overlap adds a certain type of excitement for every trip as a birthday celebration is usually intertwined.
Fall break will give students a time to explore and recharge with a week long break from school.

Grace Mossing is a senior and Editor-in-Chief of N the Red. She loves traveling, being outdoors, diving, and hanging out with friends, and she is very...