Finals week mornings bring divisive opinions
Students immerse themselves in study in their AP Literature class.
December 14, 2018
Packed hoards of people gather together in solidarity in the CCA before embarking on finals. The morning of finals week can either be a relaxing break from classes or a worried, study session.
Although Dec. 18 marks the first day of finals, on Dec. 19 – 21 students take their finals during the afternoon, with it being optional to come in on the mornings. While students are free to choose what they do in the mornings, they are not allowed to wander the halls or be anywhere unsupervised.
“I think giving people extra time in the morning is extremely useful since people can use it to study, catch up on sleep or do whatever they need to in order to be in the best mindset possible to do well on their finals,” senior Ben Fong said.
Other students never show up in the mornings due to the strictness of where they are allowed to be, what they can do and the general usefulness of coming in early.
“I like sleeping in and leaving early,” sophomore Austin Steele said. “I personally enjoy finals week because I’m not too stressed over them.”
Other students need to use the mornings to finish up final assignments they have before their exams. Students will often have study guides, projects or other homework to work on before studying.
“What I don’t like is how some teachers assign multiple assignments or difficult projects the week right before finals,” Fong said. “This could distract the student from their studies or add more stress, especially if the assignments or projects aren’t really related to the material on the final.”