Library provides private place for fasting Muslims


Photo by Olivia Buchtenkirch.

Library provides area for fasting Muslims to come and stay while other students are eating lunch in the cafeteria.

Ramadan is a time for Muslims to detach from worldly pleasures and focus on their prayers. This includes fasting which is to abstain from all or some kinds of food and drink.

Muslims fast during daylight hours. Once the fast for each day ends, they are allowed to eat again until dawn. For students participating in Ramadan, resisting the temptation of food could be difficult when surrounded in a cafeteria full of meals.

With this, the library wanted to help students who are participating in Ramadan. This is the first year the school has had a fast-friendly space for those participating in Ramadan. During lunch, students can go to the library and get their mind off of eating. No food is allowed in the library at all because of this.

“Making kids comfortable is really what the library is all about,” Renee Isom said. “Even if it’s just one period for them to take their mind off of food, I hope it’s enough to motivate them.”

“I feel a little more connected to Allah each day for fasting and I enjoy it,” sophomore Jonied Khan said. “I usually go to cafe A with my friends during lunch. I didn’t know they were doing such a thing in the library but I like the idea of it.”

The library will be fast-friendly until Ramadan ends. Isom plans to continue this in the years to come to help students participating in Ramadan feel comfortable.