Celebrities impacting students during quarantine

Photo from American Songwriter’s website.

Elton John and Lady Gaga are just two artists out of whole variety of artists who participated in One World: Together At Home on April 18.

Large gatherings, including concerts, are being canceled or postponed due to COVID-19. People across the globe are starting to become restless and missing social connections. To relieve the stress of covid-19, singer Lady Gaga collaborated with Global Citizen to curate the virtual concert, One World: Together At Home. Celebrities across the globe made appearances throughout the six-hour live show. This is just an example of how pop culture and celebrities are making positive impacts on people’s lives during this time.

Since Governor Eric Holcomb’s stay-at-home order took place on March 25, students have been limited to what they can do. Many students have started to rely on their favorite icons and social media platforms to keep themselves occupied while social distancing. This can be from streaming videos on Youtube to finding new trends on TikTok.

“I’ve been using Pinterest for sure because I use the app for recipes or for inspiration when I’m painting,” junior Marlee Weaver said.

Popular icons and celebrities have been seen on social media producing content for their fans. Some have admitted quarantine has been tough on their work and social life. Youtube creators such as Alisha Marie are capturing their everyday lives on camera and posting to Youtube to show what their life is like in quarantine.

“When I see celebrities actually step up and follow quarantine like everyone else is nice to see,” junior Kaileigh Stolz said.

Music has become a gateway for many students, even for celebrities. Certain musicians are live streaming concerts and talk shows for their fans. Miley Cyrus can be seen on her Instagram live streaming with other celebrities. Billboard is still keeping up with its music charts and updating information on musician’s virtual concerts for viewers.

“Music is my escape,” Stolz said. “Popping in my earbuds and drowning out the world for a second is the best feeling.”

New trends are being seen during the quarantine. On the popular app TikTok new fads, dances, fashion and challenges are being viewed every day by a wide variety of viewers. People are applying these quarantine trends to their newly adapted lifestyle to kill time during the quarantine.

“I think everyone will have a greater appreciation for our society’s ever-changing pop culture since it’s what got us through all of the quarantine,” Weaver said.

There’s still drama between celebrities and fans bashing on celebrities. They’re still previewed in the media even though their lives consist of them staying at home and social distancing.

“If I’m bored enough the celebrity drama is definitely entertaining,” junior Reegan Hargreaves said. “Their content is keeping me occupied, not the celebrities themselves.”