Quarantine boredom inspires new hobbies

Photo used with permission from Evan Myers.

Junior Evan Myers gets ready to hit a tee shot at the Ironwood Country Club golf course.

Ava Hunt, Reporter

With an increase in unexpected free time  when the world is enduring a pandemic all at once, finding something to keep yourself occupied can help the time go by quicker. Social media apps, such as TikTok, provided users with inspiration and was utilized as a platform for people to share ideas. 

Finding a hobby is one example of an outlet that was employed during the quarantine. The extra time allowed for people to stop and think about their interests and develop new skills. Some skills include reading, gardening and cooking.

A bedroom is just one of the few places where quarantine was spent. Using her living space, junior Kassi Whalen acquired a new hobby of decorating her room. 

“I was just looking at the same stuff for weeks on end, and I just got bored with it,” Whalen said. 

Hobbies that require a shopping element, such as redecorating your room or thrifting, were challenging during the quarantine months, due to many retail stores being closed. In order to combat this issue, Whalen utilized tactics that helped her further her hobby.

“I ordered stuff online. I did a majority of the planning for what I wanted to do during the [mandated] quarantine,” said Whalen. “Also, I moved furniture around.”

According to Navya Singh, Ph.D., a psychologist at Columbia University, hobbies are really beneficial for emotional wellbeing and mental health. She also stated that the addition of a hobby can alleviate feelings of sadness or anxiety. Whalen believes that picking up a hobby was valuable to improving her mental health.

“It gave me something to do all day rather than sitting on my phone,” Whalen said. “I used redecorating my room as a way to engage my creativity.”

Redecorating your room is just one example of the many available hobbies. Lots of other hobbies include an active element, such as running or sports. Another pastime some people completed during their time at home was participating in new sports. Junior Evan Myers took up golfing. 

“Prior to COVID-19, I went golfing about once a year with my dad,” Myers said. “I picked it up because I was bored at home and had nothing better to do.”

Golf courses stretch across acres of land, and enables players to stay six feet away from your opponents. It also provides an opportunity to spend time with friends during this isolated period.  

“It allows me to socialize with my friends for a couple of hours when I couldn’t before,” Myers said. “It’s nice being able to take something that I enjoy doing and use it as a good time to spend with my friends.”

For more hobby ideas, visit Parade’s article for a variety of options.