Painting faces
Senior Jolie Palmer paints visitor Madison Han’s face with blue-pink themed designs. The district art show was hosted by Fishers High School.
For the first time in two years, the district art show has been hosted by Fishers High School. Due to COVID restrictions, it could not be held the last two years. The art show took place March 5 through 6, and ran from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
“My role is to help curate the show by picking pieces from my classes and putting them ready for display,” Art club sponsor Johanna Gianforte said.
The show is divided into sections, each in a cafeteria. The basis of division is from where the artwork is from, elementary artworks, middle school art works, junior high artworks and high school art works are separated from each other.
“We help all of the teachers from all the different schools set up their artwork in the different cafeterias,” Art club president senior Jolie Palmer said. ”It’s about showing off the artwork from all the different kids in the district, which is really cool.”
Art club members volunteer and do face painting for interested visitors in the show. They fundraise for the club by accepting donations at the face painting station.
“As much as I love doing artwork, I love seeing other people’s artwork just as much,” Palmer said. “I’m very excited to see what everybody else has been working on this year. At HSE they do a Pottery wheel demonstration.”
As AP 3D art students, each of them gets some designated space in the event to showcase their art work. Palmer is in AP 3D art and is very excited to show her work.
“For me, it’s going to be some from last year because we didn’t have the art show,” Palmer said.
According to Gianforte, it is very important to celebrate artists and their hard work throughout the year.
“Many times you have students who may not feel the most athletically inclined or may not be musical, they have no other place for them except in the arts,” Gianforte said. “We want to celebrate them and let everyone know how wonderful they did.”
According to Palmer, artists are not given enough opportunities to showcase their work. This one time of the year is the chance they have to show everything they have been working on.
“I think it’s really important to showcase art because it gives the availability for kids to see what they could be capable of and where they can go with the art and see some of the upper level art classes to see where they can take their skills,” Palmer said.
The show unifies the community by showcasing artworks from the entire district at a single show. It is a district tradition now.
“I love it,” Gianforte said. “I think it’s beautiful. It’s a lot of work, but it’s so fun to see the entire district and see everybody’s work.”
Palmer gets to see her old art teachers and she loves it since she does not get to see them regularly any longer.
“I’m kind of sad that it’s going to be my last time and it’s going to be emotional,” Palmer said.

Veda is a senior at FHS, it is her second year as Features editor and first as Online copy editor for the Tiger Times. She is also one of the directors...