Schedules for the ECA have changed for this year. Original plans were reconstructed after problems with last year testing. The ECA, End of Coarse Assessment, is a test required for graduation.
In past years, the testing was done either in the gymnasium or in classrooms. The schedule ran 50 minutes as normal. After instructors go over instructions and hand out the test, students only have about 35 minutes to complete a 55 minute test. Also, some students take tests in student resource rooms, which takes up another ten minutes.
“We want our students to take the test in a familiar environment that they’re used to taking tests in, such as a classroom, but have enough time so they don’t feel rushed,” Assistant Principal Valerie Piehl said.
This year, they are spreading the test through a three day time frame consisted of five periods each day, each 75 minutes long. Day one contains periods one, two, three, four, and five. Day two students will go to periods one, two, three, six, and seven. Finally, day three will have periods four, five, six, and seven. The math and English tests take two days to complete, and algebra has been moved to online.