In February, students participated in the American Mathematics Competition, AMC. Earlier this year math teachers recommended 80 of their students to participate in this exam. Out of all the students that took the AMC, the highest scores were appointed to George Theodorakis and Madeline Snipes.
They qualify to move on to the next exam, the American Invitational Mathematics Exam, Aime, which took place on Mar. 14. , alongside Usama Kamran, Daniel Vance, Xiaohong Tan, Dimi Tcholakov, Clayton Thomas, Sheila Han, Thomas Ritz and Joshua Zaugg. All these students scored in the top five percent of all the students that completed the test.
“Off all the years this test was taken, this is the highest amount of students to ever be qualified to move on to the AIME,” math teacher and sponsor Louise Werner said.
If these students succeed on the AIME, they will continue their achievements by taking the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). Only roughly 500 students from across the nation are selected to advance to this level.
Freshman Daniel Vance, participated in the AMC, and later advanced to take the AIME. Although he succeeded on the AMC, he was very surprised to have passed. He isn’t very sure of his performance on the AIME.
From there only the top 12 seniors and the top 12-18 non-seniors will be invited to participate in a Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, a three week rigorous problem solving camp that is held at the Nebraska-Lincoln University. According to It is designed to help prepare high school students for the math olympiads specifically the International Mathematical Olympiad.