With 2 wins, 3 losses and 3 ties the freshman girls soccer team finished their season on a good note with a 2-0 win over Westfield. According to the coach the girls had a fun season and that is really all that matters.
Laffin said the girls used teamwork. He also said that the players had common strengths including unity and team togetherness. Laffin thinks that he had a good group this year. He told the team in the locker room after their last game that he really enjoyed coaching this team. Although the team had its ups and downs it still was a team or a family rather.
Laffin thinks that there were quite a few games that should have been won. The games he said should have been won were the second HSE game, Zionsville, Noblesville, and the Westfield game.
In some games players like Skylar Letsinger wish that they would have tried harder and that they would be tired or maybe they just lost focus and then not tried their hardest. Focus was one thing that the JV and varsity coach Ben Beasley said that all the teams could use some work on. Letsinger says she wishes she would have worked on improving her speed. This could have been achieved by practicing outside of practice. Not a lot of players did this.
“I didn’t train outside of practice very often but I did sometimes,” Letsinger said.
During practices players worked on running, conditioning, first touches and passing. This is what players did until about 5:15 after school everyday except Friday. On Saturdays players would have pool training, have weights and have training. Next year the coach thinks that he will work more on improving tactics, getting more players, and scheduling more games to improve next years team.
Submitted by guest contributor Josie Bowles