Mo Wood– Eighteen year old Dylan Gardner made a YouTube video last year as a tribute to the Beatles last album, Abbey Road. He broke each song up into 15 second increments, the video has some 50,000 views and 640 likes. That for me is not that popular, I didn’t hear about it till I looked him up.
His album has a real pop feel to it and has mostly sunny happy time music. My favorite part in the whole album has to be in his song ‘Let’s Get Started’ The first thing he says is ‘I’ll be John and you’ll be Yoko.” I always appreciate a good Beatles reference.
I listened to the album on the SoundCloud app, and it shows how many plays it’s had and ‘Let’s Get Started’ is the most popular of Gardner’s songs with around 61,000 followed by ‘I think I’m Falling For Something’. On iTunes, ‘Let’s Get Started’ is also the most popular, followed by ‘I’m Nothing Without You’
His most melancholy song is ‘The Actor’ is the least popular on iTunes compared to on SoundCloud where it is ‘Feeling Of Love’. ‘The Actor’ and ‘Sing For The Stars’ are my favorites, because ‘The Actor’ has more of a sad feel and I love sad music. ‘Sing For The Stars’ has a nice melody, it’s very pretty and not as up beat as his other songs.
For a first album, my overall impression is not too bad. It could have been like Beiber’s and I could have gagged. But, Gardner definitely has some potential in music.
The album is $9.99 on iTunes and free on SoundCloud.

Gardner’s website: