Luka Skudrzik – April brings about more work for the guidance office regarding standardized testing, juniors’ college plans and the finalization of college preparation for seniors. Finishing student scheduling is also another goal for guidance.
Juniors who are planning to go to a four-year college are advised to sign up for the SAT and ACT. The next test registration deadlines are April 6 and May 8 respectively. For info on how to get extra help with these tests, talk to your guidance counselor, and they will help you out.
ECA testing is also in preparation. These tests will take place in May and are for English and Algebra. Students in these classes are being prepped by their teachers and can go to tutoring if extra help is needed.
For seniors, pay attention to scholarships opportunities that are presented on announcements. If one sounds interesting, go to guidance and get more information.
“Honestly, we don’t have tons of ground breaking new info, but we are busy on a daily basis with all types of things…,” guidance counselor Kelly Applegate said. “However, it would be good for students to be aware that counselors are available to help students with all types of issues including anxiety, depression, etc. We aren’t therapists, but we do a fair amount of counseling.”