Joss Whedon and the Russo brothers have done it again, The Sequel to “The Avengers” was released on May first and is my new favorite movie of all time. The second to last movie in Phase Two of the Marvel Universe has already made 875 million dollars world-wide as of May 11th.
Phase Two consists of several films, “Iron Man 3”, “Thor: The Dark World”, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, “Guardians of the Galaxy”, “Avengers Age of Ultron”, and “Ant Man” will complete the phase on July 16.
The movie had a great story line, taking the cliche ‘robots taking over the world’ to a new level. Tony used Loki’s scepter to make an artificial intelligence to protect the world from aliens so the Avengers could basically retire. He called it the Ultron project. But, Ultron ended up thinking the Avengers were evil too so he allied himself with the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro aka Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to defeat the Avengers and help the human race evolve.
During the entire movie I was making connections between the Avengers universe and the X-Men universe a different part of Marvel comics, but sadly not included in the Avengers Universe. After the movie, I read about Phase Three, and Scarlet Witch is going to be a member of the new Avengers group. Also, Marvel has different contracts with producers that put restrictions on cross overs.
Pietro has been added to my list of misunderstood Marvel villains that I love including: Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier played by the beautiful Romanian Sebastian Stan and Loki Laufeyson, played by British sweetheart Tom Hiddleston.The twins, new characters, were amazing. The actors really portrayed relatable characters that were easy to fall in love with.
Another new component, the part of the film I could not stand the new relationship status’. Clint Barton (aka Hawkeye) has a secret family and a farm, with a woman named Laura, not Kate Bishop from the comic books as I was expecting. Then we have a budding relationship with Natasha and Bruce, who would make great friends given Natasha’s lullaby ability and how both of them believe they are monsters.
More issues with Natasha, her whole representation in “Age of Ultron” was off. It was not Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Natasha, just the way it was written. She did not seem as strong of a character as she was in the other Avengers films.
The rest of the movie was great, I laughed and I cried (at least seven times) there was a running joke started by Steve (Captain America) about bad language that made me laugh every time.
I’ve enjoyed all of the phases and I can’t wait till Phase three starts releasing. Marvel releases their movies in phases, so the origin stories of the characters start in Phase one, so “Thor” “Iron Man” “Captain America The First Avenger” “Iron Man 2” and “The Avengers are all parts of Phase One which were released from 2008-2012. Phase Three has already began with“Captain America Civil War” which started filming over Spring Break.
I’m looking forward to see how “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Ant Man” will tie into the Avengers Universe, how they’re going to bring back Pietro and how they’re going to pull all the loose ends from Phase One and Two into the new Phase.