Accompanying the broadway musical, “Waitress” Sara Bareilles has released her newest album, ‘What’s Inside: Songs from Waitress’. The singer wrote all the music and lyrics for the musical, opening night is set in April 2016.
The musical is based off of the movie which is based off the book, not knowing this when I first heard the album, I was very confused. The music follows the storyline closely, understanding that is key to enjoying the album.
Basically, a woman, Jenna, works at a diner is married to an abusive husband, Earl and gets pregnant much to her dismay. Jenna falls in love with her doctor, Dr. Pomatter and they have an affair as he is married too. Jenna has been saving money to leave Joe, and the key to her plan is a pie contest she plans on winning but her husband will not let her enter.
The album is very fun and energetic you can tell it is definitely from Broadway with bouncy songs like ‘Bad Idea’ and soulful ballads like ‘She Used To Be Mine.’ My favorite is definitely ‘Door Number 3’ I love it’s energy. It has a simple melody and Bareilles’ voice is beautiful in it. The lyrics dictate Jenna’s unhappiness with her husband, she talks about how she how if she had known what happened she would have yelled at herself. I liked it because of the traipsing melody and relatable story.
I didn’t like ‘Soft Place To Land’ as much as the other songs because the abrupt change in energy. The first four songs of the album were more upbeat and kept me having fun and smiley and all of the sudden it was somber and kind of sad. Jenna is reminiscing about her mother and talking about how her dreams would never be a reality and all it is is a dream. It was just real bumming after the fun I was having in the first few songs.
‘What’s Inside’ was a wonderful album, the songs have very fun melodies and beautiful harmonies, the lyrics are very relatable and flow well. I really enjoyed it, it moved me without even seeing the whole musical, movie or even reading the book. I would reccomend getting ‘Door Number 3’ ‘Bad Idea’ ‘When He See’s Me’ and ‘She Used To Be Mine’ if not get the whole album. ‘What’s Inside: Song’s From Waitress’ is available on iTunes and Google Play for $10.99.