Hot springs, waterfalls and vibrant forest life will surround 26 Spanish students and three teachers as they tour Costa Rica on an educational trip in the Summer of 2018.
The group will visit a Costa Rican banana plantation, a schoolhouse and the capital city of San José. They will also explore a variety of natural settings, including a sea turtle breeding ground, rainforests, waterfalls and hot springs.<p>
“I’m most excited for the zip line tour,” Spanish teacher Beth Jahns said. “We will go to Monteverde, which is a wildlife preserve and do walks during the day and the evening through the forest. Then the next day we will climb up a mountain and do a zip line tour through the forest. It will be scary but it will be an exhilarating experience.”
Jahns said the trip will help students learn about the culture and wildlife of Costa Rica while also giving them valuable in-depth experience with the language.
“Our tour guide for the entire week is from Costa Rica, and he speaks English as well as Spanish,” Jahns said. “When he is explaining what we will be doing for each of the at the sites when he’s explaining the history or the culture, he’ll be doing that all in Spanish and so the kids we be immersed in the language for a week straight.”
The 26 student spots are already full. According to Jahns, the teachers wanted to keep the group at a small classroom size, so the spots filled quickly after their initial meeting in April.