9-week exams arrive with October
Quarterly exams will start on Tuesday, with at least one core class being tested each day for the remainder of the week.
Quarterly exams kick off the first week of October, adding to an already busy schedule at the school. With Pre-ACT/PSAT prep on Oct. 1 and the Leadership Retreat at Conner Prairie on Oct. 2, students are feeling the additional pressure of the exams.
Departments are assigned a certain day in which they are allowed to issue a 9-week exam, which gives students time to organize their study schedules according to days in which they have tests. However, some students believe that 9-week exams are an unnecessary addition of stress.
“I think a review over the past 9 weeks would be more beneficial to students than a test or essay,” junior Abigail Zahm said. “It is another test to study for, so it is usually time consuming.”
As 9-week exams occur, many classes do not take a break from curriculum. In fact, they continue on as normal.
“Most teachers will continue teaching new content, so it just adds to my normal amount of work I already have,” Zahm said. “They really only stress me out and add to my work load.”
Junior Sathvika Dobbala takes a different view than Zahm on 9-week exams, claiming that they typically aid her grade.
“I do not think that they are that big of a deal,” Dobbala said. “In fact, they kind of add a nice boost to your grade right before the quarter ends.”
Even with the stress of exams and the differing viewpoints on them, students and staff have something to look forward to in the coming weeks: fall break.
“Breaks definitely help my performance because it helps me rest my mind,” Dobbala said. “After break, I am more motivated and inspired to try my best.”
As studying continues throughout the week, study tips are abundant amongst the student population.
“Pretend like you are teaching someone else,” Dobbala said. “It helps to test you on what you actually know instead of being overconfident.”
While studying is a key to success, there are other elements that result in success as well.
“Do not stress over not doing well,” Zahm said. “Take breaks from studying to relax if you have been doing it for a long time.”
9-week exams will begin on Oct. 2 and end on Oct. 5, leading students and staff to the end of a busy week at Fishers High School.

Ellie Albin is editor-in-chief and a senior. She loves blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers, reading, and history.