Riley care packages stop finals stress
Graphic used with permisssion from Fishers High School.
Riley Dance Marathon has created “finals survival kits” that will be distributed the week of Dec.17, using this image to promote their fundraiser through school newsletters.
Finals season has officially arrived, along with a sense of stress in the air. The Riley Dance Marathon Committee, however, has created a solution to help reduce some anxious feelings.
This year, the committee is offering final exam care packages, which have items such as pencils, pens, goldfish snacks, mini water bottles, play-dough and more. Students enjoy the sweet fundraiser from the Riley committee.
“I love this,” junior Sarita Pantula said. “I think sometimes with finals we get very overwhelmed with stress, so having these survival kits can help us stay calm.”
The packages are put together by members of the committee, and all proceeds go to Riley Children’s Hospital. Along with the money made from the fundraiser, a sense of joy comes with the packages that motivates students to get through finals.
“They are such a cute idea to spread some happiness around our school and students,” Pantula said. “I’d love to receive some colorful pens to help make the studying time more fun.”
When asked about what their favorite item in the package was, junior Allie Gentry found a clear favorite that she loves to use for finals week.
“Notecards are a good idea when it comes to studying,” junior Allie Gentry said. “I use those pretty habitually.”
The final day for ordering care packages will be Dec. 10 and can be ordered here.

Ellie Albin is editor-in-chief and a senior. She loves blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers, reading, and history.