Teachers share their favorite books

Photo by Janie Van Overwalle.

Spanish teacher Stephanie takes a photo of her Spanish book “Guía Ilustrada de Cantabria” to post on Twitter for her final day of the challenge.

Hashtags are featured on the trending page of people’s social media to promote a cause or organization. In 2019 the #7books trend reached teachers at FHS.

The seven books challenge is a trend on Twitter right now where a student or teacher gets tagged by a friend to participate. Every day for seven days, they post one of their favorite books. At the end of each post, they can tag a friend or book lover, getting them in on the challenge as well. The first teacher tagged at FHS was Kyle Goodwin.

German teacher Corbin Mathias was tagged by Mr. Follman, introducing him to the challenge.

“I wanted to do this challenge because I find it interesting to see what books other people and teachers love and have read outside of school. It gives me some new ideas of books to read for myself,” Mathias said.

Mathias tagged Spanish teacher Stephanie Gutting. She was thrilled to start this challenge because of her love for books.

“People assume I mainly read books in Spanish, but I love to read all kinds of books so I was happy to participate,” Gutting said.

Gutting said she wanted to expose this challenge to more than just teachers at FHS, so on her seventh day she posted a picture of a book she bought in Spain, with the caption and summary in Spanish.

“I wanted to have a variety of teachers to tag and thought if I tag the Spanish bookstore, where I bought my book from, Spain could get in on the challenge as well,” Gutting said.

Teachers like Gutting want to share this challenge so everyone can get a chance to share a little bit about themselves. Over ten teachers and faculty members at FHS have been tagged, but only about five have participated. Students are welcome to start this challenge as well by searching “#7books”, “7bookcoverchallenge”,”7booksilove”, or “7bookchallenge”.

“This challenge connects people with their books interets through social media in a way that is very positive, unlike most social media promotions,” Mathias said.