Pro sports seasons suspended, students upset

Photo used with permission by Andrew Feuerstine.

Junior Andrew Feuerstine watches clips of his favorite college basketball moments on Mar. 25 since the tournament was canceled.

The coronavirus has taken its toll on all of us. Some students are upset about eLearning, others are upset about not getting to see their friends. However, some students have been more disappointed in the fact that professional sports leagues have suspended their seasons. These suspensions have been especially upsetting for fans, as most of them look forward to these seasons all year.

Leagues such as the NBA, the MLB, the NHL and the MLS have all suspended their seasons. The NCAA canceled their tournaments, including the March Madness tournament that brings in the majority of their money they earn each year, according to the New York Times. The Masters golf tournament, the summer Olympics, and the Boston Marathon have all been postponed. For more information about these suspensions, read a previous article on the topic.

“It stinks that sports leagues have to cancel for now and I hope that games and practices could be resumed, but I think that it was the smartest thing to do because of the pandemic,” junior Zayd Almaya said.

Almaya shared that he was sad knowing that the competitions have to end, as are many other sports fans. According to Nasdaq, Americans gambled about $10 billion on the March Madness tournament in 2018. With the cancellation of the tournament, fans have not been able to enjoy this.

“This has taken away opportunities for fans to watch the teams they have invested in, often financially, over the past year,” junior Andrew Feuerstine said.

Feuerstine is especially a fan of college and professional basketball, so hearing this news was upsetting for him. He looks forward to watching these games every year, so he can understand why so many people are sad about their suspensions.

“I’m disappointed, but that’s only because I really enjoy watching these sports,” Feuerstine said. “But I’m also relieved knowing that these organizations are doing what needs to be done.”

What does this mean for professional sports teams next year? Almaya says that with all of the extra rest and practice that players are getting now, they will be able to perform better for longer when the time comes to play again.

“I think that next season, professional sports teams will be more competitive than ever because players, coaches, and organizations will be more ambitious since they never got to finish their season,” Almaya said.