Holiday season start date up for debate
Costco Wholesale in Indianapolis designates aisles to display Christmas decorations on Nov. 1.
November 2, 2020
As Halloween passes, stores around the world prepare for the holiday season, if they have not already. The question is, when is it appropriate to start celebrating the holiday season?
Junior Kaelyn White makes the best of the season and starts holiday festivities as early as possible.
“I start listening to Christmas music around July,” White said. “I do this because of the ‘Christmas in July’ festivities my church has.”
When White starts celebrating, she is not the only one, as this is her family’s tradition.
“I celebrate the season by hanging out with my family, friends and making lots of new memories,” White said.
White is aware that she starts celebrating earlier than most Americans and said that the holiday season starts much later than when she starts. White believes that the average American’s holiday season should start the second week of December, but junior Owen Munkholm likes to start celebrating later in the year.
“I’d say around December 20 is when I start to celebrate,” Munkholm said. “Obviously, Christmas music starts playing before then, but December 20 is when I start.”
Munkholm believes that celebrating the holiday season more than a couple of weeks in advance is too early. He said that, while he starts celebrating on December 20, he doesn’t truly get into the holiday mood before December 25. Munkholm’s whole family tends to wait on celebrating.
Junior Mya Simpson’s views lie between the views of White and Munkholm, as she waits for Halloween to come to a close.
“I start November 1,” Simpson said. “I’m just a festive person.”
Simpson has already decorated her house for the holidays, but the rest of her family tends to wait.
“I start really early,” Simpson said. “My dad isn’t really festive, but my mom is the December 1 type of person.”
While Simpson starts celebrating early, she believes that it is appropriate to start celebrating around the end of November. She highlights Thanksgiving as an appropriate start date.
While there is much debate regarding the start of the holiday season, the holiday season is special to each person in its own way.