Bouncing back from quarantine
In a survey conducted in July 2020 by the National Association of Student Aid Administrators, 76% of the 22,519 undergraduate students surveyed reported lack of motivation as their biggest obstacle concerning their success in school the next semester.
With more and more students bouncing in and out of quarantine— forcing teachers and students alike to use the too-familiar platform of Zoom as a means of educational instruction — motivation from students seems to be waning. Sophomore Addy Thomas was quarantined two weeks into the new semester.
“While I was quarantined my motivation to do school work was pretty low, but I did really miss my extracurriculars,” Thomas said. “When I was able to return I had a lot of school work to catch up on, so while my motivation was still a little dry, I needed to finish the work.”
The start of the second semester tends to have differing effects on students. On one hand, some students have extra motivation due to the new year and the resolutions that come along with it, while others are burnt out and have little to no motivation. Understanding and flexible teachers can make all the difference in the success of a student.
“When I was in quarantine and sick, [my teachers] were very understanding and gave me extensions,” freshman Ella Robertson said.
Robertson and Thomas both recommend making a schedule as an efficient way to bounce back into the school routine after returning from a quarantine to prevent school-induced stress and anxiety.
“Most teachers are willing to push deadlines back for sicker students [in quarantine],” Thomas said, “Just make sure to take care of yourself if you get quarantined.”

Emerson Elledge is a senior. She spends far too much time on her IB classes and wears too much jewelry. Her hobbies include studying philosophy, writing...