The Mudsock Poetry Slam

White microphone in front of a solid black background.
The Mudsock Poetry Slam provides a chance for creators to come together in a space dedicated to share their art. Participants of the ninth annual poetry slam share their preparation process what inspires them and how they feel about preforming
What was your preparation process?
Isaiah Webb: My preparation process included breathing and really feeling what I was saying. Feeling the passion that I felt when I wrote the song.
Madi Crock: Preparing was pretty simple, I already had poems written so I had picked one and practiced it out loud with friends.
What inspired you to begin writing/ rapping/singing, how did you discover your love for it?
Webb: My mom first inspired me to rap and write music because when I was really young, she helped me write a song and it was fun. I continued doing it and now I make a living out of it.
Crock: I began writing as an outlet and discovered I really liked it and that others liked to read so I stuck with it.
What brought you to feel comfortable performing?
Webb: What made me comfortable was the saying “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” If I don’t go up there and perform I would miss my chance at an opportunity to accomplish and conquer my fears.
Crock: I honestly don’t feel super comfortable performing but it’s been a new years resolution to make myself uncomfortable and to push my own limits, so that’s how I ended up at a slam.
What is your favorite part about performing?
Webb: My favorite part of performing is making connections with the audience. Looking at them so they can see my story and where I came from and they can see where I’m gonna go. Also, I love being goofy and having fun.
Crock: My favorite part about performing was how proud I felt after I was done! Sharing emotions and writing like that is hard but it paid off big time!