Tanner Guillot is a somewhat unremarkable dork of a senior. He hails from Las Vegas, having moved in 2015, and spends much of his time in the Tiger Marching...
As part of an annual homecoming festivity, the main gym hosts a 3v3 basketball tournament.
September 15, 2022
As with any homecoming week, FHS as a whole has kept itself occupied with recreational activities to build excitement for the climax of Saturday’s homecoming dance. Among the festivities stands an energetic, fast-paced sports outing; the 3v3 basketball tournament, featuring upwards of 20 student-made teams, competing until two remain.
“We’ve run the event for several years now. It’s become an annual Homecoming week tradition,” said assistant principal Mr. Goodwin. “The goal of the event is just for students to have a chance to come together, have some fun, and participate in some friendly competition during Hoco week.”
This year, the tournament saw 23 teams enter the main gym, in addition to friends of the participants who came to spectate. Signing up was as simple as scanning a QR code, and teams faced little restrictions, being allowed to name themselves and include anyone, regardless of their involvement in other FHS sports.
“My team was team ‘Bron’, and it consisted of Mason Dowell, Ethan Luenemann and myself,” sophomore Sully Hintz said. “The energy [that night] was great! There was a large turnout, and it created a great environment.”
The tournament officially began on Wednesday, September 14. According to Mr. Goodwin, the class sponsors prepared the event, handling logistics, the sign ups, and finally chaperoning once the night had come. The 23 teams began competing at 6:00 PM, and the event lasted for just short of two hours, with each team of three having a 12 minute time limit to reach 15 points. The first of the two teams on a court to reach this goal was the winner, and moved up the bracket. The final two teams that competed for the championship were team Curry and team Mason Plumly, and the ultimate winner of the two was Curry.
“The most exciting part was when my team and I got into the flow of the game and started playing well,” Hintz said. “We had a couple great backdoor passes and big 3’s that added to the excitement.”
While some may think that the tournament was an unremarkable occurrence, the students who participated would disagree. Not only is it a lasting homecoming tradition, but casual, friendly events like it have improved how students view their school; it helps elevate FHS from being a building that merely educates.
“I feel they add so much more fun to our school!” Hintz said. “I think Fishers should continue to do these rec-athletic tournaments, and maybe even implement more of them and expand into different sports.”
The staff who prepared the event would also agree with this notion. FHS sees sports outings at almost all times, and most see attendance and excitement from both the players and spectators.
“Well, we certainly take pride in our varsity sports programs that represent our school,” Mr. Goodwin said. “But these types of events are much more informal, and they offer all students — not just those fortunate enough to make varsity rosters in sports — a chance to have fun and compete with their fellow classmates. Research says students are happier, healthier, and more academically successful when they’re connected to their school outside of the classroom. So, I think these recreational events are awesome for the culture of our school!”
Tanner Guillot is a somewhat unremarkable dork of a senior. He hails from Las Vegas, having moved in 2015, and spends much of his time in the Tiger Marching...