When choosing a college 99 percent of the time students are searching for good academics rather than focusing on what the college campus looks like. But what some don’t realize is that the look and feel of a college matters just as much as the academics in the long run.
According to a writer under the name of, Web Editor writing for University Business, “Institutions that are consistently chosen for so-called ‘most beautiful college campuses’ rankings put a lot of resources and effort into demonstrating a correlation between campus aesthetics and academic reputation,” meaning these schools care about both the look and the academics of their school.
When it comes to the look of a school it is important for it to be clean and presentable because there will be many students going there and living around the area for almost four years.
According to an article from Crimson Education, the environment of a college campus can either add or subtract from the students’ experience overall.
The lifestyle and environment that a student lives in is just as important as the education itself. A clean and organized space leads to healthier habits and a better way of life.
Not only does a prettier campus make for better academics but it also helps build a happier and healthier lifestyle for young students.
According to a website called Top Management Degrees, when it comes to an establishment that builds helpful skills for the real world, not only does quality education matter but so do rich traditions, which provide students with a sense of accomplishment.
Imagine a lifestyle going to college with good academics, however, the campus is not as clean as other schools. Yes, there is good education being granted but it may get lonely because the campus is unorganized, which makes it depressing.
Or imagine a lifestyle going to college with good academics and a pretty campus. It seems less lonely and sad because it is put in order.
Personally, I would rather be involved with a clean and pretty campus. I would feel a sense of relaxation and it would allow me to be comfortable and feel at home, while still being in a learning environment.
Choosing a college is coming up in the next few months for high school seniors and while you may not be thinking about what the campus looks like you should always keep in mind that if the campus is unorganized it might affect how you learn in that setting.