Many high school students across the United States are preparing for their finals this week and many of those students are feeling the fear, stress, and anxiety of exams. Fishers High School students are no different.
These students are experiencing a wide range of emotions as they prepare for their finals. Some students are feeling nervous, while others feel confident. Sophomore Baya Cumpston is a part of the nervous portion of students.
“I’m feeling a little bit nervous, but also kind of ready at the same time, because I’ve been studying a lot more than I did last year,” Cumpston said. “But it is still nerve-wracking to know that there’s a big grade that’s going to affect my current grades.”
Cumpston mentions that she is most nervous about not studying enough for each final and worries that if she does not study enough, she will not do well. However, she believes that taking breaks while studying will help her to manage her anxiety about her upcoming exams. Freshman Malena Woody feels a similar way about her finals.
“When I first thought of finals, I thought, ‘oh it’s this super big test, and I’m going to know nothing on it’ but, in the most blatant terms, it’s everything I’ve already learned before and known,” Woody said. “So, it’s not like I’m learning anything new. That’s what just really scared me, [thinking] it was going to be like a hundred questions long.”
Woody says that she does not have much stress or anxiety about finals and believes she is “pretty set” for the exams. Woody mentions that the stress she does have about finals helps her to “lock in” when she starts to study.
“If you don’t want to take the time to study, just know that when you don’t take that time out of your day to study you’re not going to do well. And if you have dreams of going to college, those dreams could [become less likely] because you’re not studying,” Cumpston said. “I know studying is not the best thing and it’s not the most fun thing, but if you don’t study, some of the things that you want to do in life might be harder to achieve. So, you definitely need to take time to study.”