After a long year of activities and crafts, the art club is done and will wait patiently for next year. The student board is in charge of the decisions made on the club regarding activities and projects throughout the year. This year the structure of the decisions were changed. There are three different groups: independent, 2D and 3D. Students have the choice to work on one of these groups and change between them every once in awhile.
With 30 members, multiple jobs and arts have been done in the school, ranging from small ceramics to murals in the hallways.
“Some of them [projects] we have done are hallway murals in the C hallway,” art teacher Danielle Ontiveros said. “We have the ceiling tiles so every senior can leave their their mark in Fishers high school, we have done collaborative collages for the library which we just finished this year and we have the individuals so they can take them home.”
Activities they participated in outside of school was the face-painting at the Elementary schools, get the art ready for the Cancer gala and setting up for the dance marathon. An expectation for next year is getting a strong board since must of the current leaders, president, vice president and secretary, are all seniors and will soon leave.
“I always let the projects be student driven, they are all based on what students want,” Ontiveros said. “Next year could be a whole new board of students and we get new projects. We want to let them choose and see what happens.”
A big project expected to be developed next year will be in memory of the student Betsy Swetnum who was highly involved in the club. The goal is to beautify her garden that was planted in the CCA, along with the trees and the flowers that were planted by the department. The club expects to decorate the garden with ceramic stepping stones and ceramic signs that say Betsy’s Garden.
For more information contact Danielle Ontiveros.