Spirit team emphasizes inclusivity

Nya Thornton

Seniors Kate Michael, Lauren Nix, Max Keithley, and the rest of the spirit team reach out to the crowd in the heat of the opening football game on August 25.

Chanting teens flooding the stands is tradition for FHS athletics, especially with the help of a few spirited students. Bouncing up and down, screaming “we ready,” senior Kate Michael and the rest of the Paint Crew lead the crowd most Friday nights.

Weekly, Michael and the rest of the crew gather to plan and prepare for the games, where they strive to excite the student body. Although, they are not only there for the fans, but to pump up the players too.

“When the crowd is into it, it is definitely a game changer, even for the football team,” Michael said. “The football team feeds off the support they get from the students and then the students off the success of the team.”

While they want to bring energy to the student body, Michael also stressed the importance of inclusivity.

“We are trying to make it more unified, we definitely want to try and include more of the student body,” Michael said. “In the past, I think underclassmen have felt like they aren’t really a part of the experience and we really want to emphasize that everyone should have spirit.”

Senior paint crew member Sophie Forrow agrees, adding that not all of the spirit leaders knew each other beforehand.

“It’s not like we were all friends in one certain group, but we all have fun doing it together,” said Forrow.

Forrow explained that while they were chosen to help, they can not be credited for all the spirit in the stands.

“We are not the main source of spirit,” Forrow said. “We just help enhance it or start things but we are not the sole reason, it is obviously the student body.”