Animal adoption club helps Indy humane societies
Students sit in the CCA courtyard on Sept. 13 as a Hamilton County Humane Society representative explains an event called WoofStock, which helps dogs in need.
Inspired by Jack Russell Terrier Brady, club president senior Logan Faircloth started the Animal Adoption Rescue Club two years ago to help animals in need. The club works with the Hamilton Humane Society and helps with volunteering, events and fundraising.
“I think there are a lot of student benefits as they can get a lot of experience with animals,” Faircloth said. “Either from events or volunteering at the Hamilton Humane Society and the Indy Humane Society.”
The club offers background experience for students that want to obtain a job in the veterinary field. For example, Faircloth wants to be a zoo veterinarian and do international work, and vice president senior Alexis Kouril wants to get a job in veterinary medicine.
Although some want to help animals as a profession, some members joined the club hoping to help animals after witnessing animal cruelty.
“We actually have two puppies at my house that are from kill shelters,” senior Liam Green said. “They were a couple days from being put down because there were too many dogs in the shelter. I don’t want that same fate for other dogs.”
Although they focus mostly on dogs and cats due to their partnership with the Hamilton Humane Society, the club will help any animal that is in need. Last year, they sponsored a sugar glider and a hedgehog, which are small, exotic animals.
The club wants to work with more animal rescue centers like the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Providence Wildlife Rehabilitation Center this year. Faircloth also wants to have more students volunteering and participating in activities.
“I want to get club members more involved in what we’re doing,” Faircloth said. “I want them to come to the meetings excited and really putting all their effort into the animals they sponsor.”
More information can be obtained from the sponsor Erin Ingwersen at [email protected].

John Yun is the Web/News editor. He is Korean, and he loves to sing and dance. His favorite movie is “Avengers: Infinity War,” and his favorite restaurant...