Meeting to watch anime shows, Japanime spends time experiencing Japanese culture. The club itself is an extension of the Japanese Language Club that existed when there was still funding for it.
The club is sponsored by English teacher Kelli Jacob and the club has meetings other Wednesday from three to five p.m. This year the club will also be picking dates to go on outings to eat at exotic and authentic Japanese restaurants.
“At our next Wednesday meeting we will be watching anime fighting shows and ordering club t-shirts for the year,” Jacobs said.
In the last few weeks they have had many activities going on. For example, they participated in the world language soccer tournament. Japanime also sponsored a table at the “All Treats, No Tricks” Riley Dance Marathon fundraiser.
This year, Japanime is hoping to hold a cultural festival corresponding in May corresponding with the Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This also coincides with the Cherry Blossom Festival, which celebrates Japanese/ Japanese American culture.