Commonly known as the Fishers Armed Forces, this club meets in A-217, science teacher Chris Graybeal’s room, every Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 to prepare students for their future in the military.Students who are interested in pursuing the military after high school have an opportunity to do so through a club that provides knowledge and experience in the military field.
Sergeant Eric J. Schuckmann facilitates the club and plans the agenda for each week. Activities will include knowledge and lessons of what the physical training is like, what job potentials are available, survival training, and discipline. During their meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3, members ran practice drills and marched to get a feel of how the military is.
Girls are not excluded from this club, and it is preparation available for both genders.
“It’s a really great place to be… a really good club for guys and girls,” Graybeal said, “There have been a few girls that have shown some interest so I think that is great.”
Official military recruitment is not required for this club, and anyone is welcome to come. The club’s goal is to have around twenty to thirty consistent members this year. Graybeal mentioned the desire for a better turnout this year, and that “hopefully the word will spread for kids that are interested”.