Teachers usually do not teach at the school they used to attend. English teacher Kaitlyn Thompson graduated from Fishers High School. When she attended FHS she really loved performing, she was a member of the Mock Trial Team, Speech Team, Drama Club, and choir.
When she graduated high school she went to Ball State and there she learned how to be an english teacher. Thompson loves working with people that is why she became a teacher. She really enjoys literature and writing. Her favorite thing about teaching is getting to know her students.
“I really didn’t think I would end up back in Fishers. I had other plans for where I wanted to go, but some time away really made me realize what a great school experience I had here. I’m thrilled that I have the opportunity to come back and pay it forward,” Thompson said.
When she came back to FHS she was amazed how much it has changed and still is changing. Thompson teaches speech, composition, and english 11 here at FHS.
“Fishers has changed so much since I was a student here. Back then we were so much smaller, and everything was still brand new. We had only been our own school for two years by the time I graduated, so most of the programs here were still in the process of being established,” Thompson said. “It’s been so exciting to come back and see how much the students who came after us have accomplished in so short a time.”