Linda Chang– Starting up a new club at school is not always easy. There is a chance that the club might start out with little to no members. That is not the case for the new Film Production Club. While just starting up this year, they already have approximately 30 members and are always looking for more to join their crew.
The club was started in late January by a few students and their friends who wanted to make short films. Students have always wanted to make a short film but have never had the courage to start a school club for it.
The new club is currently working on their first project which is a short film about a high school girl.
“Right now, we are searching for people with good directing skills and experience to really make the film come to life,” junior Vice President Patrick Badescu said.
They recently just held auditions for the short film’s main roles by putting up flyers around the school. The audition turnout was more than what they hoped for. They hope to start filming in two weeks.
Although they held auditions, the script is continuously being tweaked and changed every week until the editors find it satisfactory.
“The last couple weeks we have been doing script edits. That’s our main focus. Everyone is in this room asking each other “What do we not like about this script?” and ‘What do we like about this script?’” junior Andrew Landeen said.
Club member junior Vince Dixon also believes the best part of the club would be coming up with the story ideas and eventually making the ideas come to life through the film.
“Coming together and pitching ideas knowing eventually our goal is to make a film is great,” Dixon said. “Editing it and making it your own is really fun.”
The film production club plans to have the full short film done by the end of the school year. They are arranging for the film to be shown at the end of the year in the Black Box Theater for whoever wants to view it. The club is also entering the film into many contests such as the Heartland Film Festival.
“We are definitely hoping to keep the club running next year if we can so I hope a lot more people join if they enjoying making films and having fun,” Badescu said.
Film Production Club meets every Tuesday after school in D111. If any students are interested in joining, talk to club sponsor Jon Colby in D111.
To learn how to start your own club at school, talk to school administrators or go to for more information.