On Thursday afternoons in the library, a circle of teenagers sits around a flatscreen TV holding wiimotes, classic controllers and even DS’s.
The Video Game Club meets year-round, playing and discussing games among their peers. Students bring games, find their friends, join a circle and play. The club allows games rated from Everyone to Teen and allows students to play together in the library for an hour and a half before dispersing.
“We hang out with friends and play video games. The main one is ‘Super Smash Bros’ but there is a different variety of games,” sophomore member Freddy Slack said.
With 30 to 45 members, many different games come through the club. “Super Smash Brothers”, “Madden”, other sports games and “Pokémon” are popular among members.
Most use similar consoles. The club has a Wii U that multiple members play on and a GameCube. Some students bring their own 3DS to play multiplayer games or to hook up to the Wii U.
More information is available by contacting the club’s sponsor, Steven Curtis or club president Steven Farlow.
Video Game Club allows all students to come and play games, members or not, and welcomes new members.