Whether it is studying hard to represent the model student or volunteering for as many hours of public service as possible, both Key Club and the National Honor Society (NHS) are popular clubs that work towards the common goal of providing students an opportunity to prove themselves.
Both organizations have a large and active presence in the school, but there was a recent misunderstanding circulating around the school regarding whether or not NHS still accepts community service hours that a student obtained for Key Club.
“I know that many Key Club members are also members of NHS,” said Jason Nguyen, Junior and president of Key Club. “They’re probably going to be very upset that they can’t use their Key Club hours for both.”
Both organizations have independent goals for their volunteer work, with NHS requiring a minimum of five service hours per semester and Key club requiring ten service hours annually.
“The reason is because it defeats the purpose of working for NHS to do all the work through Key Club.” Nguyen said. “In the past, a lot of NHS members used Key Club volunteer hours on their NHS service hour sheets. I don’t think NHS ever really liked it.”
But NHS has reached out to N the Red, stating that this rumor was inaccurate and that NHS will in fact be accepting hours from Key Club in this upcoming year. Ngyuen stated that he first heard this idea from the Key Club sponsor.
Registration for NHS is currently closed and Key Club have already has already had its first callout meeting. You can contact Leann Dixon at [email protected] for information regarding Key Club, and Darcy Banitt and Erin Warner at [email protected] for information regarding NHS. The Fishers NHS website can be found here.
Update: In its original story, N the Red published information corroborating the misunderstanding without first verifying the information with the NHS sponsors. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.