C.U.B. Club prepares incoming freshmen
“We are always looking for new members,” Spanish teacher Stephanie Gutting said. “Our meetings are fun, and all you need to do is show up.”
For some students, starting high school is a new and daunting task. Eighth grade students are thrown into a freshman class that includes not only students from their junior high, from the other schools as well. In addition, some students may only have a few friends from their school that attend their chosen high school. Creating United Bonds Club, or C.U.B. Club, plans to take these students and guide them through high school through the use of a mentor.
The C.U.B. Club is a group of students who have interviewed to become mentors to underclass students in need of guidance. Members of the club meet once a month on Fridays designated by the sponsor, Spanish teacher Stephanie Gutting, to participate in fellowship activities with their respective mentor or mentee.
The club acts as a sort of gateway into other activities within the school as it introduces new students to a variety of choices.
“This club really helps our new tigers become more comfortable and connected in our large, growing school,” Gutting said.
In addition, Gutting said that this year’s mentees have responded especially well from being in the club. The students who were a part of the club had become more connected with the school as a result of it.
“I think that the freshmen who are involved are really benefiting from the relationships they have developed with the mentors,” Gutting said. “We love when underclassmen can work with upperclassmen.”
Junior and class president Cassie Meyer said this year the mentors and mentees were getting along especially well. Some of the club members have organized meetings outside of school independent from the club to meet up with their mentees or mentors.
“I think the groups were made better this year than in years past because they were assigned based on the interests of the mentees as well as the mentors,” Meyer said.
Anyone wanting to join the club can do so by contacting club president junior Cassie Meyer at (317) 201-7614 for additional information.

Andrew Haughey is the web editor for the FHS student newspaper N the Red. His skills include the ability to drive a boat, play chess, and touch the rim...