Mitch Lorkowski – Final exams will be taken the last week of school starting on Tuesday, May 26 and going through May 29. Early dismissal passes will not be given to students during testing times, as no one will be allowed to leave the testing room during the exam times.
Seniors exempting finals will not need to be present for their class period being exempted. Furthermore, it will not count against them as an absence. Other classes however, will be counted against the students attendance record.
“I think its cool that we are able to skip class periods if we don’t have a final in it, it gives the seniors a little extra edge over the underclassman,” senior Zach Antisdale said.
On Thursday, May 28 and Friday, May 29, students will have the opportunity to come into school later than the normal start time. Instead of a regular half day, where the students would leave early, they will be allowed to prepare for the exam in the morning and come in to school at 11:10 a.m. and leave at regular end time of 2:55 p.m.
Buses will run on regular schedule for those who ride the bus. Students who come in early will have the opportunity to study in supervised spaces throughout the school.
“Its interesting how they switched the times for the half-day. Its good enough for me because I heard earlier in the year that we wouldn’t get a half day at all so this is sort of a relief. And we will all get a good sleep which will help with testing most likely,” Antisdale said.
No call-in will be required for those who don’t come in early on Thursday and Friday. But they will be expected to show up for their assigned exam time. Tuesday and Wednesday of that week will be on a normal schedule.